Other Operations

Surgery gives the best options for curing primary liver disease. There are different types of
surgery for early liver cancer. These are:
 Removal of part of the liver
 Liver transplant
Removal of part of the liver
Your surgeon might remove a lobe of your liver. It is called a lobectomy or Hemi
hepatectomy. The liver can grow back and typically work if you don’t have any underlying
problems, such as cirrhosis. However, a type of liver cancer called fibrolamellar cancer is
more likely to develop in people without liver disease. It means that surgery is often possible
for these people.
Liver transplant
A liver transplant include other operations to remove the liver and replace it with a healthy
liver from a donor. A liver transplant is possible in some patients with hepatocellular liver
cancer. To have a liver transplant, patients need a donor liver that is a close match to yours.
Unfortunately, people might have to wait a long time for a liver to become available, and
during the time, the tumor might grow.
Waiting for a liver transplant are stressful for patients and their family. The doctor might
consider other treatments in the meantime, such as ablation or chemoembolization. The
surgeon will look at all your test results and decide whether you will likely make an excellent
recovery from surgery. For example, people will look at the level of a chemical in your blood
called alpha-fetoprotein. If the level is too high, a transplant may not suit you.